Airflo Sweep Sinking Lines

Airflo Sweep Sinking Lines
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With a faster sinking belly and slower sinking tip and running line, this range of Sinking flylines follows a U shaped path through the water column.
The diving action of your flies getting pulled downwards by the belly make an attractive movement and the steeper angle at the end of the retrieve gives an almost vertical when you using faster sinking models making them absolutely perfect for fishing ’Strip & hang’ techniques.
Available in three types of sinkers, Di3, Di5 and and Di7 belly sink rates, the tip of the Di3 sinks at 1.5" per second where the belly sinks at 3" per second, Di5 sinks at 3.5" per sec and the Belly sinks at 5" per sec, on the Di7 version the tip sinks at 5" per sec and the belly sinks at 7" per second