Frankie Mc Phillips Sedge Flies
Frankie Mc Phillips Sedge Flies
Small cinnamon sedge pattern great for both river and lake fishing ..
Another super sedge pattern from Dennis Moss. Dennis says of this pattern "I find the larger sizes to be the most effective during the late evening and the smaller sizes for the morning and throughout the day. Effective from late June until the end of the season” (Quote from "Trout and Salmon- The E..
Traditional full deer hair bodied fly with superb floating and fish catching properties ..
This is the most popular sedge pattern fished in Ireland.It is a classic dressing of the classic sedge,with soft genetic cock saddle tied at the front for movement, suggesting the struggling or hatching fly.It is fished from March to September for wild and stocked fish and is particularly good durin..
This fly is a version of the standard Green Peter tied with an olive CDC hackle behind the front hackle. The fly can be fished wet ,or by false casting a few times it will stay on the surface of the water long enough to interest feeding trout.The CDC also gives great mobility to the fly when dabbled..
Frankie first designed this pattern with the idea of having a mobile wing and also adding buoyancy to the fly.The deer hair helps it stay in the surface film when fished in a team of wets. It is one of my most popular Green Peter variants...
A variant on the classic Green Peter with the addition of a red fluorescent tag.Has become a standard in its' own right.One of the "must have" all rounders for the lough fisherman.Generally fished on the top dropper...
Excellent sedge pattern for both river and lake ..
mallard winged sedge pattern capable of luring the most illusive trout on both rivers and lakes ..
a miniature tying of the classic Irish green peter pattern..
Little Red Assed Peter - A small version of the great pattern...