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In fact, this new worm Orbee already existed as a sample product about four years before the 34 was launched.At that time, I wanted a worm dedicated to aging, so I released the existing "Octopus" and "Medusa".The reason why this Orbee did not release is that fish other than horse mackerel bite stran..
“It moves and visually appeals even in stay mode”.Originally, the inspiration idea is a jointed bamboo material sake toy that wriggle wide smooth motion. I created the PUFFNAKE in this image.It’s not about waves motion but it’ s about the visual effects. It was intended that the nodes would move wel..
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 The advantages of worm fat systemfor a large ➀ volume, the weight is there is easy to get distancebecause ➁ volume is large, fall speed compared to the slim system becomes slowstrong appeal of the appearance because there is ➂ thicknessin reverse The disadvantage is➀ large volume (thick), so r..
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